Kavita Maharaj-Alexander:
Dec 29, 2023



This new you has discovered some truths,

Some things in life that have now taken roots. 

You know that there are times you will stumble and fall, 

But can pick yourself up and stand again tall. 

You’ve discovered that while you may experience some pain,

You can surely find the good, and ways you can gain. 

You’ve witnessed your resilience in the face of a storm, 

Your ability to push forward and when necessary, transform.

You’re stronger than you knew you could ever be, 

Your eyes have been opened and now you see. 

This new you, knows that you can endure,

For there are always ways that you can achieve more.  

You are filled with gratitude and pride, 

For the experience you have gained, will serve as your guide.

You are ready and able to forge a new path. 

So onward you go, get ready to start. 

Kavita Maharaj-Alexander
Kavita Maharaj-Alexander

“There’s a power in allowing yourself to be known and heard, in owning your unique story, in using your authentic voice.” — Michelle Obama

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