Kavita Maharaj-Alexander:
Jun 18, 2023

A Message From Future You


Hey You,

I wanted you to know that you’re going to make it and your future is more amazing than you could have imagined.

The road ahead will not be easy. You will know pain, grief, doubt, anxiety and fear. You will experience failure and rejection, but you will also experience so much joy and triumph. You will evolve into a better version of yourself. You will overcome things you didn’t think you could.

While the pieces of the puzzle don’t seem to make sense right now, know that it will all fit into place soon. Everything will work out exactly as it was meant to be.

Wait for it, stay the course. I know that waiting is hard especially when you are seeing no sign of things moving in the direction you want to go, but I promise you it is going to be worth it.

Everything you are stressing about right now will seem inconsequential when you get here. You’re going to have some amazing moments and realize that you always had everything you needed to become this version of you. Let faith guide you.

Along the way, remember to cherish the people who support and love you. Help others where you can. Live in the moment, and smile even when things are tough.

Thank you for choosing to follow this path and getting me here. I’m so proud of you.

Kavita Maharaj-Alexander
Kavita Maharaj-Alexander

“There’s a power in allowing yourself to be known and heard, in owning your unique story, in using your authentic voice.” — Michelle Obama

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