Kavita Maharaj-Alexander:
Dec 27, 2022

Your Warrior Scars


Scars- usually defined as a mark left on the skin or within the body tissue due to a wound, sore, burn, etc or derived by some type of traumatic event…. a lasting mark.

We spend a lot of time hiding our scars (whether physical or mental, sometimes both). We don’t want people to see, we don’t want to be judged so we put up a façade. 

Every disappointment, hardship, anxiety attack, loss or trauma that we face makes us stronger, wiser, and better. Those scars tell the story of how strong you are because you survived, you overcame. They make you uniquely you.

Live in your truth, your story, your triumph.

Every rough patch you go through, remind yourself you are a warrior. You will fall down many times but you will find the strength to get up again and again, you will keep ploughing on. Your scars show your strength, your determination, your willpower. Keep fighting warrior, show them what you’re made of!!!

Kavita Maharaj-Alexander
Kavita Maharaj-Alexander

“There’s a power in allowing yourself to be known and heard, in owning your unique story, in using your authentic voice.” — Michelle Obama

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